01874 623549
Celebrating Imagination, Creativity and Belief

Mantle of the Expert
Mantle of the Expert at our school
Mantle of the Expert is a dramatic-inquiry based method of teaching and learning invented and developed by Professor Dorothy Heathcote. Developing it as our pedagogy at Priory School has challenged all of our pupils and staff to greater levels of thinking, questioning and creativity. For our school it has proven to be an inclusive, respectful and successful vehicle in which to teach and learn together. Mantle of the Expert has enabled us to create a learning environment where staff and children have mutual trust and respect for one another. MoE provides the children with the skills, confidence and knowledge to participate in learning activities that take them out of their 'comfort zone' enabling the whole class to come together and work alongside all of their peers as a cohesive team.
We are thrilled that through our continuued commitment to developing staff expertise in Mantle of the Expert in the Summer Term 2015 all of our teaching staff gained the Quality Mark status of Lead Practitioner in MoE. During the Autumn Term 2015 we were awarded the Mantle of the Expert Quality Mark, qualifying us as the first registered MoE Training School in Wales. During the Summer term 2018 our Learning Support Assistants were also awarded Quality mark status.
Mantle of the Expert
Embracing and enabling the pedagogical principles of the new curriculum for Wales
Creating authentic contexts for learning
Sustained pupil effort to reach high but achievable targets
Focus on the four core purposes
Encouraging learners to take responsibility for their own learning
Support social and emotional development and positive relationships
Promote problem solving, creative and critical thinking
Making connections within and across AoLEs
ENCOURAGE collaboration
Building on previous knowledge and experience to engage interest