01874 623549
Celebrating Imagination, Creativity and Belief
Welcome from the Headteacher
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website and to share with you some of the wonderful work that takes place in our school. Priory Church in Wales Primary School provides a nurturing , fun and hands-on learning environment where children take a large role in planning and evaluating their learning. Positive relationships between everyone in the school community is key to the ongoing success of our school . Our Christian values and pedagogy provide the children with a 'moral compass' and help develop the whole child to be a responsible, kind and considerate member of the school community and beyond.
We are a Mantle of the Expert Training School and regularly hold Study Days to celebrate the children's creativity, independence and wonderful imaginations! Colleagues from Wales and the rest of the UK have visited our school to observe, work alongside and take part in our Mantle of the Expert adventures. Additionally we are a Lead Enquiry School working collaboratively with other schools across Wales to develop the new Curriculum for Wales - Curriculum for Life.
We are all very proud of our lovely school and a warm welcome awaits prospective pupils, parents and professionals to visit and see all that we can offer.
Lynsey McCrohon
A Welcome From The Children
Welcome to our school website. At Priory we have fun, laughter and lots more!
We are a Church in Wales Primary School which is great because it teaches us how to reflect, be patient and worship in depth. It helps us through the Christian Values and brings us closer to Jesus and God. We go to Brecon Cathedral regularly to be in the presence of God and have fun daily worship where we often step into drama and everyone takes part. We have lots of places to reflect, including the Community Garden and TeePee, which helps make us calm and relaxed.
To be a child at Priory School is all you could ask for! We do so many fun things but most importantly we learn how to respect other people's opinions, listen to one another and help people if they need it.
By Jack, Henry & Rhys Yr 5/6