01874 623549
Celebrating Imagination, Creativity and Belief
Go and See Grant - The Trial of Elgan Jones
With thanks to the Arts Council of Wales for awarding us a Go and See Grant to visit Y Gaer in Brecon in November 2022. Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to attend a performance of 'The trial of Elgan Jones' performed by Theatre Na n'og. The performance was authentically performed in the courtroom of Y Gaer. We, the audience, were the jury who listened to the trial of Elgan Jones age 14 from Port Talbot accused of poaching, theft and murder set in the 1800's.We listened to the witness statements and were transported back in time to watch the events of what had happened in the accused's story leading up to his arrest. These parts of the performance were very interesting as they allowed us to see the same events from different people's perspectives. We knew that as the jury we had a very important job to do- if we found Elgan Jones guilty he could be sentenced to hanging!
Following the performance we were able to ask the actors, Richard, Llinos and Morgan, questions, about their acting and the performance.

The afternoon session was spent with the actors in workshops, where we participated in activities that helped us to understand aspects of drama and theatre and Victorian ideas about crime and punishment.

With thanks to the Arts Council of Wales who once again have supported us with a grant to enable us to take the pupils out of school and experience real live performance. The second half of our grant will allow us to take our younger pupils to see 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show' in Their Brycheiniog before Christmas. We can't wait! Keep an eye on our website for photos of the show.